Why Hopp Off?
Why Now?
Why not!

“Taking some time alone might not seem like a big deal, but it can actually do wonders for our minds which are always being overloaded with info and stuff vying for our attention.”

Since the pandemic, I have been living this mantra which encompasses the core purpose and meaning of Hopp Off, emphasizing the importance of disconnecting from the business of life, taking time to recharge and rejuvenate, and immersing oneself in the beauty and serenity of the outdoors.

It encapsulates the idea of a balanced lifestyle and inspires others to prioritize self-care, mental well-being, and the exploration of nature's wonders.

I completely understand that the use of the term "Hop Off" as a part of urban slang can be associated with negative connotations. Nevertheless, it also signifies the significance of taking a pause and considering our lives and priorities.

My name is Mike and I am like you, we all need our space. I live in the Great PNW and I have been fortunate to have access to some of nature’s beauty. Over time I will share my adventures and encourage all of you to GO HOPP OFF:)

Learn more about me in the Hopper Journal